On 3/17/07, andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all

A few weeks' back I asked for some ideas re: installing Debian on a
laptop with a dodgy CD-R/W. I was wondering if I could do so using a USB
memory stick and if anyone has tried this. My primary concern is in
whether or not the BIOS will recognise the USB stick at boot, and how I
might encourage it to do so, or - alternatively - get to the boot stage
and then do the rest with a memory stick. If this involves using
floppies to get into a boot routine, which of the files are best for
loading onto floppies for this purpose?

Thanks for any help.


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If you have windows, or even another linux already on the machine check out:
http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html. I've used this
successfully to install Debian Sarge.


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