On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 06:38:13PM +0200, Vasil Benov wrote:
> Hi,
> I have experienced the same problem. If you have a SATA harddrive
> you should specify root=/dev/sda1(or whatever device number and partition
> you boot from)
> On kenrel update the installer overwrites the values for (root=....) nad
> puts there /dev/hd...
> Hope this helps
> Regards, Vasil
> On 3/18/07, Rick Pasotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >I upgraded my system today (etch) and when I rebooted this new kernel
> >complained about running out of compressed data and that I needed to
> >specify a correct root= parameter. Booting with kernel 2.6.17-4-k7 still
> >works fine and it uses the same root= parameter. My hard drive is SATA.
> >
> >Is this a known problem with this kernel?

The root= parameter is and always has been /dev/sda3 however I have now
discovered what the problem was.

/boot was full! (too many previous kernels still lying around).
Evidently apt-get only wrote *part* of the initrd file because the file
system filled up but I saw no complaint.

I removed the two oldest kernels (System.map, config, initrd, and
vmlinuz) then reinstalled linux-image-2.6.18-4-k7.

All is well now.

"Therein lie the seeds of a great deception.  The professional
 politicians see the _res publica_ in terms of votes, ordinary
 people in terms of justice.  For the 'real' nation, democracy
 matters less than the rule of law: the first is the form, the
 second the substance.  When the ex-colonial peoples received
 independence, they thought they were being given justice: all
 they got was the right to elect politicians."
                -- Paul Johnson, _Modern Times_ (1983)
    Rick Pasotto    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.niof.net

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