On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 10:42:45PM +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
> Hi Roberto.
> Roberto C. Sanchez, 12.03.2007 21:07:
> > There is a ton of information about JFS and XFS on the net.  All you
> > need to do is check the Wikipedia filesystem comparison page or Google
> > search for filesystem comparisons.  The short of it is:
> > 
> > ext3 - good general purpose FS (not the best performance, but stable)
> > xfs - excellent performance with huge files and huge filesystems
> > jfs - similar to XFS but I think it has better performance when under
> > heavy I/O load
> Could you define 'huge files' and 'huge filesystems'? Can you give me some 
> numbers?

At work we deal with files of size 1 GB to 100 GB on a regular basis.  I
would classify those as large.  XFS supports files up to a size of 8
exabytes and filesystems also of size 8 exabytes.  I am not sure of the
limitations on JFS.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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