On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 05:07:57PM +0100, Martin Marcher wrote:
> OK,
> a little update from myself,
> I managed to get the installer running by disabling framebuffer and  
> setting iommu=soft
> you can find the options with the help screens being smart i managed  
> not to write it down and/or remember the value for the framebuffer.
> However, KEEP WAITING.
> it seems that for some reason it takes ages to find hardware etc.  
> Also it's pausing for several seconds between screens (is that  
> related to iommu=soft - I couldn't find an option to enable iommu in  
> bios, google suggests that quite a few motherboards have that option).
>  * Network configuration over dhcp works fine
>  * but it doesn't find any disks.
> So after getting it to boot my nightmares came true and etch doesn't  
> seem to support the disks. If there's something to know about please  
> let me know :)
> after searching google a bit more without useful results i just tried  
> to load all modules on the installer cd so I wouldn't miss anything.  
> No go, disks aren't recognized
> /martin
Out of curiousity, are you able to boot Knoppix (does it support amd64?)
or another amd64 LiveCD distro?  If so, you could do a chroot install.
Though, I am not certain that you won't encounter the same trouble after


Roberto C. Sanchez

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