> > What if I don't like kdevelop from unstable and want kdevelop from testing > > again ? How can I undo all the changes that may have been made while > > installing kdevelop from unstable ?
> AFAIK, remove kdvelop, change the pin, then reinstall it, or you can > leave the pin and specify the specific version you want with apt-get. Doesn't sound bad. Any experiences from people who have already done this ? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Markus Grunwald Softwareentwicklung PRÜFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring GmbH Oskar-Messter-Straße 19-21 85737 Ismaning www.pruftechnik.com Tel: +49 (0)89 99616177 Fax: +49 (0)89 99616200 PRÜFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring GmbH Sitz Ismaning / HRB 145655 München Geschäftsführer: Johann Lösl, Roland Schühle Ein Unternehmen der PRÜFTECHNIK-Gruppe