On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 08:17:12PM +0700, Ken Heard wrote:
> There is absolutely nothing in the packaging or the manual on the
> accompanying CDROM to identify the version.  It so happens that I have
> version 3; so I am out of luck as far as that card is concerned.  Anyone
> want to buy it?  It would be nice if manufacturers came clean about
> their products.
This is one of the ways that manufacturers make things really bad for
them and for us FLOSS people. BAD package info! If they provided that,
that would be half the battle. And we wouldn't get pissed for having
bought something that we latter find out will not work.

as for your wifi, it seems one of the cards is recognized but you are
having problems with the encryption. I'd ask them to turn it off as a
way to test your setup.

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