(please Cc: me, I'm not subscribed) Hi all,
I'm trying to convert some old analog music recordings to CD format, using my PC running Sarge. I've found some directions in a howto, buyed a cable and plugged one side into the headphones output of my stereo, the other one into the line-in input of the PC. This worked fine: I can play my audio tapes on the stereo and hear them on the PC speakers. I can also record them with arecord, cut tracks with sox and burn CDs with cdrdao (I like command line tools). The problem showed up when I tried to do the same thing with a videotape (I just want to record the audio track, not the video). I plugged the cable into the headphones output of the TV, but this time something strange happens: the music plays fine on the PC speakers, but when I try to record it, the recorded track (wav file) is disturbed by a constant and annoying high-frequency whistle. I would think that arecord would record the exact same sound I hear on the speakers, but it doesn't and I have no idea why. Suspecting that some other signal was being recorded alongside the TV output, I opened the mixer (Gnome menu -> multimedia -> volume control) and muted all channels but Master, PCM and Line-in (I don't know what PCM is, but I found experimentally that if I mute that, the signal from line-in is muted too), but it didn't work, it was just the same as before. I'm really puzzled. Does anyone know what's happening and what should I do? Thank you in advance Gerardo