Andrei Popescu wrote:
I use ssh with X11 forwarding to manage the firewall.
With firestarter? How?

[snip X11 forwarding stuff]

If *that* isn't shooting a fly with a canon, than I don't know what is.

Mmm. So why do you use shorewall at all ? It is like using a pistol against an unarmed invader.
*WHAT* is the point of your message ?
I dont tell you how to do things. I like it that way. I do it that way.

If you dont like it... I DO *NOT* CARE !

Ok. You can edit files with the text editor. Fine.

I want my work done.

We all know, that it is possible to configure a firewall with an texteditor. You may use vi. Or even a line based. Who cares ?
If you like it, do it.
I have to say that you are perhaps on the wrong operating system, if you want to do it the way, it was done by your grandfather.
Linux is an operating system which is getting easier to use every day.
So if someone does it the easy way, what is the point of patronizing messages ?

The good thing about linux is, that is is possible to do it with the
commandline *and* and (more and more) with the gui.

But trying to show off with telling "I am using the commandline" is
just not working, because it means, you don't understand the concept.
It is not *better*.

Please stop writing such mails. We all know what kind of people do that.


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