On Saturday 03 March 2007 22:31, Michael Pobega wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 04:58:13AM -0800, Jordi wrote:
> > Hello
> > [...]
> > I am considering to change to another CMS. The best for me are
> > these: - Xoops
> > - Joomla
> > - e107
> >
> > What do you use in your servers? Have you been using these in your
> > servers?
> >
> > Jordi
> I've been working on coding my own actually, although I'm on my last
> nerve and giving up on it[0]. The designer that helped me make the
> layout made it image heavy, and therefore it only displays nicely on
> certain resolutions. I am now working on a new one using just divs
> and CSS for the HTML, so that it can be more modular.
> [0] http://digital-haze.net/
> (The link on the left that says "Girafarig")

I started off using drupal (http://www.drupal.org) which was pretty 
good, although not quite what I wanted so I then switched to 
TextPattern (http://www.textpattern.com/).  Eventually though, once I 
realised how much faster java was compared to php (see 
http://www.chandlerfamily.org.uk/blog/Archive,$DirectLink.do?sp=26 )
after starting to use it to develop a web application, that I have 
switched the majority of my web site (see link in my sig) to it.  I 
wrote my own blogging application (see 
http://www.chandlerfamily.org.uk/blog/Archive,$DirectLink.do?sp=29 ) 
and currently working my way through a issue tracking application.

I still use php for web mail (sqwebmail) and for my photo gallery 
(gallery2) but I shall probably superceed those with java applications 

The whole thing is constructed around the tapestry framework 
(http://tapestry.apache.org/index.html) which does a great job of 
separating out the html of the layout and the java of the dynamic part 
of the application.  I use the iBatis layer (http://ibatis.apache.org/) 
to provide a very powerful tool to access my database.

Alan Chandler

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