Peter Farley wrote:
> --- "Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> You really should be using Etch.

> Well, some of us prefer not to live at the bleeding
> edge.

    Sometimes when you have bleeding edge technology you need bleeding edge
on your distro to make it work.  Hell, recently when I did a hard drive
dance on my and my wife's machines I needed to effectively patch XP
(game machine, shush all) to see the SATA drive I was installing.  Given
that Windows /generally/ has better hardware driver support than Linux
on the newest hardware if XP needed patching then Sarge might just be a
tad too old to take advantage of the SATA drive.

    Unpleasant, maybe.  Dems da facts, yeah.  :/

Steve Lamb

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