On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 01:47:15PM -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> just to put it out there, another way to look at that stat:
> assuming 2 trips per work day for commuting, that is 1,327,822,650
> work round trips per year or 5,311,291 man/years of work commuting or
> 28% of commutes. Obviously there are huge assumptions (including the
> idea that all 18million people commute to work). No matter how you
> slice it, though, it is actually a significant portion of the regional
> transportation. Whether that is a "success" or not is debatable, but
> I think you'd have to agree that putting that many trips back onto the
> highways and surface streets would be a problem. 
You are absolutely right.  I am just tired of the "public transportation
will fix everything" statements.  It is a huge accomplishment.  However,
NYC and Chicago represent the absolute *best* in US public
transportation.  Everything after them is on a steep slope to
insignificance.  If you consider the cost to tax payers, most cities'
public transportation is a collosal waste of money.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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