Le mardi 27 février 2007 18:50, Adrian Chapela a écrit :
> Hello,
> I configure a cluster with two nodes. This nodes mount a partition in
> OCFS2. All is correct until I make a test with bonnie. In this moment,
> after a moment..., the server is lock and write next message: Spurious
> ACK on isa0060/serio0 some program might be access hardware directly...
> and all goes down..
> The partition is in Coraid with AOE, and the size is 100 GB. The problem
> happens if I copy a lot of data to this partition mount as OCFS2...
> Kernel: 2.6.20
> Someone knows ??
> Thank you.

No, but all information about clustering is welcome in this list.
If you find some information, post-it please !

After heartbeat, the integration of RedHat Cluster Suite (sort of) and cluster 
filesystems like GFS, OCFS and Lustre, more and more people will try them.

I'm building now a RHCS cluster, but without GFS for now.

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