On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 11:19:22PM +0200, lists1 wrote:

> For Debian, which will be woody on the mail/dns/ntp server, and a mix
> of woody/testing/unstable (basically the knoppix install, plus some
> customization) for the desktops and internal servers, what would be
> the easiest combination in terms of setup and administration for
> regular email/imap/webmail?

Different people will provide different answers to the above.  I use
qmail for my main MTA server.  However, this is a carry over from when
I was using Red Hat primarily, and didn't want to port my configuration
to something new.  So, for the MTA now, I would use either qmail or exim
(probably lean toward exim now).  For IMAP, I would suggest courier-imap
and courier-imap-ssl.  As far as webmail, I like squirrelmail.  It's not
perfect, but it is better than many others I've seen.

> If there was no external email server, and no emails entering or
> leaving the lan from outside, what is the transport and delivery
> method that is used on an internal lan?  

Still an MTA, just without the need to be able to transfer to another
domain's MTA.

> Let' say that for checking isp mail, kmail in kde is used.  Now let's
> say, there is no more internet connection.  Is kmail (or a similar
> app) still used (as the mail client) to send and receive emails within
> the same office?

Can be.

> What is transporting the email?  Is a mail server still required for
> email that never leaves the lan?  How is this normally accomplished?
> Is the same mail server that is exposed to the internet used to
> transport inter-office email?

Can be.

> Would two email servers be required to firewall inter-office email
> from the outside email?

No, a properly configured single server can do this job.

> How to send messages on lan, without going through isp.  Must an email
> server be running to do this?

It makes things much easier to have one running.

Jamin W. Collins

To be nobody but yourself when the whole world is trying it's best night
and day to make you everybody else is to fight the hardest battle any
human being will fight. -- E.E. Cummings

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