On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 12:19:36AM +1200, cr wrote:
> It looks as if the kernels on the Woody CD-ROMS aren't actually in the form 
> of packages, since 'apt-cache search vanilla'  (or compact, or idepci) brings 
> up lists of other programs but nothing kernel-like.    apt-cache search 
> vmlinuz   does nothing, nor    apt-cache search linux.bin.

Try apt-cache search kernel-image

Most of the kernel-image packages are on CD 5 IIRC, so you need the
full set of CDs - I think if you've only got the first CD all you've
got is a source package and enough tools to build it.

> I just found the 2.2.20 kernel package at www.debian.org  and downloaded it 
> (36 minutes on a 28k modem) and installed it with Kpackage (I'm lazy!), and 
> it seems to be working.   Aside from briefly breaking GRUB and having to fix 
> it yet again because I got the /boot directories mixed up :)
> Further investigations will have to wait till later - after midnight now and 
> I do have a day job   <grin>

Do you mean CD burning is working, or just that nothing has stopped


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