On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 05:17:50PM -0500, Mark Rinaudo wrote:
> I'm trying to install debian 3.0 woody on a Dell PE1400 with a MegaRaid
> Pci card installed.  I get the install to load the module (megaraid.o)
> off of a floppy and then it partitioned the drive and installed
> everything. Great!! now it restarts what is the correct way of getting
> that module to load up when the kernel boots up so that it can mount the
> fs?  Short of creating my own custom kernel to boot with.

I'm not sure of the details, and I hope someone will jump in and
correct me if I go wrong, but I believe the situation is:

If your root filesystem (and/or your /boot partition?) requires a
module to be loaded before you can mount it, then I *think* you need
to use initrd (system boots initially using a ramdisk, then loads the
modules, then mounts the root fs ...)

        Hope That Helps
>       -ScruLoose-       |     I was just a boy then, now I'm only a man.    <
>      Please do not      |                    - Pink Floyd                   <
>     reply off-list.     |                                                   <

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