Hai to the users of Debian, Problem: My motherboard is of D815EEA2 from Intel with onboard soundcard with the chip AD1885. The problem I face is that I cant boot with sound support every time I boot the system.Only at random occasions the soundcard is working. This is the case whether I include the sound support into the kernel or compile it as a module. On the other side manpage of bootparam 'man bootparam' says that there are certain soundcards that requires the particular dos driver to put the card into a known state.Following this after booting pc into dos, loading the particular dos driver, then loading GNU/Linux with the help of loadlin surely works. This is the case with almost all systems working on the specified series of the motherboard.I have tried kernel-sources (2.5.38 & 2.5.41) which supports alsa modules & drivers ,but the same problem persists. Is there anyone else using and facing the same problem/ any solution for this problem where a 100% sound can be obtained without the help of loadlin in these motherboards.
===== %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% regards, Ratheesh K K [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kochi-04, Kerala, INDIA. %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month! http://sbc.yahoo.com -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]