On Sat, Feb 24, 2007 at 12:33:55AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> > Reagan had good reasons for spending as much as he did.
> > 
> >  - military needed rebuilding (Vietnam had taken a heavy toll on
> >    equipment and he had to fix Carter's ridiculous parity mistake)
> OK, that's believable.
> >  - he decided to outspend the Soviets to bankrupt them
> Never mind that the Soviet Union would have collapsed with or without
> Reagan.  The average Soviet citizen wasn't exactly living the dream, after
> all, and happy people don't grow suspicious.  Glasnost was inevitable and
> had far more to do with the Russia's withdrawl from the Soviet Union
> causing it's ultimate collapse.
Good point.  What Reagan was to accelerate the process.  I have no doubt
that had things like Star Wars and the nuclear build up taken place, the
Soviets would have continued a good long while before collapsing.  As it
was, they had to accelerate their military industrial complex to a rate
that was absolutely and completely unsustainable by their economy.

> > Of course, nobody faults FDR for spending massive amounts of money on
> > the New Deal.
> Because nobody complains when everybody's getting a fair share of the deal. 
> It's not the amount of money involved, it's how it's used.
Sure people complain.  Because there is a difference in the government
doing its job and getting involved in things in which it has no
business.  One great example of that is public education.  The money
wasted by the government is wasted quite "fairly" but lots of people
complain that they government is even involved in the first place.

> > That said, I am still waiting to hear reasons from W and the rest of the
> > republicans in congress for spending money like it is going out of style.
> The silence is utterly deafening, especially in the echos of their "tax and
> spend democrat" rants.  I didn't get that wonderful tax cut Bush was
> touting, in fact, my taxes went up.  And Oregon and Idaho gets kicked in
> the teeth when it comes to federal expenditures.  Washington also largely
> does, Puget Sound manages to get it's fair share, but only because of Fort
> Lewis and there's rumors *that* might close...
Hmm.  My tax bill this year was *way* lower than last year.  Of course,
I own a home again, which I did not for a couple of years when I was in
grad school.  If you are not a high income earner, you pay practically
nothing in taxes (at the federal level; you have to take up state and
local with your state/county/city government).  Not just that, but
things that are income adjustments and tax deductions and tax credits
are numerous.  You can still earn over $100,000 and if you own a home
and take some simple steps to shelter some of your income, you can drop
yourself below the $50,000 MAGI line easily.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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