mrweb wrote:
On Sunday 11 February 2007 06:03, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
mrweb wrote:


I am using astrolog with both Sarge and Etch, it installed perfectly each
time that i installed it with a simple call to "apt-get install astrolog"
minus the quotes of course, and with your apt-get sources.lst properly

This is funny. I did not know about the astrolog package.

When I got started in PC's about 20 years ago, I first wrote an
astrology program:

On M$ OS of course. I used a package from here to do it:

In those days they were open source: you got the whole works when you
bought the package. (Now no longer)

Then came Linux and then Debian and I ported everything to Linux.



Your chart image is fascinating and I am curious as to whether you still have your application under development? If so I would very much like to give it a try. I particularly like the inclusion of the aspectarian and the legend on the face of the chart.

Sorry about the delay :-( I forget to look for past replies to posts.
I have never packaged GPC-Qt into a deb.
I'll see if I can fit a tar.bz2 on the geocities cite. It will contain aa which does the charting. It is GraphiC converted to Linux on top of Qt to get the rotated characters on the wheel.
I'll let you know when I have it there.


It is obvious as to why you have found GPC-Qt so valuable and have found many ways to put this combination to good use.

OT - I read some of the La Jornada editorial translations and found them to be quite interesting as well as telling. However I found your "do_hibernate_prep" script along with your kernel configs to be more interesting and enjoyable to read.

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