On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 04:23:17PM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> OK, one more time:  Delete by default does not have to mean delete
> *immediately* by default.  Look at the underlined text above.  I already
> explicitly stated that I didn't mean immediate deletion and that delete-
> on-folder-change or delete-on-exit are probably better, along with an
> allusion to the performance reason which keeps being brought up.  Later
> in my message (in a part that you snipped), I even referred to the
> deferred deletion as being done for *good* reasons.
So then it is OK for the program to become unresponsive for a minute, or
five minutes or more (worst case) when the user changes folders or

> And besides...  If messages marked for deletion are cleaned out by
> default every time you exit your mail client, that mbox file won't get
> to be 500MB nearly as quickly (if ever).
Unless you are the sort of person who keeps 20,000 messages in a folder
or mailbox.  I have seen such a thing.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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