On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 06:19:00PM -0500, Michael Pobega wrote:
> Sounds like exactly what I had in mind, and seems like a pretty good
> battle plan for jumping into the documentation. What format will the
> document be written in initially, plain text? I figure if we do plain
> text initially (with a .html extension for word wrapping) we could
> easily mold that into any other format.
I hate to use buzzwords, but this might fit with well with something
like XML (or probably SGML), since it is easy to create transforms into
different formats.  The same source can be used to generate plain text,
HTML, PDF and so on.

You might want to check how the current Debian documentation is done.  I
know that they maintain it in some sort of CVS or Subversion repo which
is accessible online.  There are also packages in Debian to ease this
sort of thing.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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