On Sun, 2007-02-04 at 18:02 -0500, Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:
> On Sunday 04 February 2007 17:49, Michael Pobega wrote:
> > My question is just /how/ unstable is Debian Sid? Is it unstable enough
> > to make my laptop useless? Or do I have to worry about my files? Or is
> > it unstable in the sense of Ubuntu, where everything could be fixed with
> > just a little bit of patience and a whole lot of help?
> Yes. IMHO Unstable is really unstable. If you want to have a computer which 
> just works, use stable. If you want to learn more about the underlinings of 
> Debian, then both unstable, testing provide a wonderful opportunity. Unstable 
> breaks quite often and it takes roughly 2-3 days for it to be usable again. 
> Sometimes it could be worse (xorg transition is an example).
> In any case, make sure you have good backups no matter whether you are 
> running 
> stable, testing, unstable.
> You might also benefit from 
> http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/kk288/debian_choosing_distribution.html

To be honest, if you don't have the knowledge or means to workarounds
problems in Sid (unstable), don't use it.

Personally, there hasn't been any problem worthy of note for using sid
on my Desktops. Now server side stuff... yes there have been show
stoppers, but workarounds worked.

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