On Monday 07 July 2003 11:02 am, David Z Maze wrote:
>Jeff Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> 1. I'm now getting a "choose networking interface" option at
>> bootup. How can I disable this?
>You must have installed a package that provides this; you might look
>through the list of installed packages in something like aptitude.
>Looking through the links in /etc/rcS.d and /etc/rc2.d might also give
>you a hint of which package it is.
>> 2. eth0 is non-existant when dhcp attempts to connect for an IP,
>> hence it fails, as do my network mounts,etc. After boot I have to
>> issue a sudo pump -i eth0 to grab an address, then mount my shares.
>Do you have 'auto eth0' in your /etc/network/interfaces file?  If so,
>take it out; then the network scripts won't try to bring up eth0 at
>boot time (before PCMCIA), but when pcmcia-cs discovers that you have
>a network card, it will run 'ifup eth0' on its own.  (My impression is
>also that 'pump' is considered among the more, well, ghetto of the
>available DHCP clients, so you might try using 'dhcp-client' instead
>if you have weird DHCP problems.)
>So, your /etc/network/interfaces file should look (very loosely) like
>  auto lo
>  iface lo inet loopback
>  iface eth0 inet dhcp


Only partial joy thus far.  I added a DHCP="Y" to /etc/pcmcia/network.opts and 
that brings up the card with it's proper IP at boot, but still w/o shares 
mounted. Doing a sudo mount -a after boot fixes this, but of course I want to 
avoid that. The eventual user of this box never touches root.

I eliminated the auto eth0 from interfaces and rebooted, but I still get the 
'Choose current network environment' screen at boot. Grepping through /etc 
didn't reveal any startup scripts with a similar message. I seem to recall 
that being mentioned during sid's install, but I can't quite remember the 

I'm still googlng and grepping, but any further help is appreciated.


Jeff Elkins

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