On Fri, Feb 02, 2007 at 01:26:13PM +0100, Danesh Daroui wrote:
> Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> >
> >Really?  What should I learn?  I've given specific things where your
> >knowledge of/experience with databases is clearly deficient.  Care to
> >be specific and refrain from making sweeping statements with not
> >support?
> >  
> You should learn lots of things. DB is one of them.
Again, evading the question.  I know DBs.  Now, in what *specific* areas
do you feel I am deficient?

> >
> >Really?  Where is your invitation to participate in this thread?  The
> >original post that started this thread was a request for help getting
> >started with MySQL or PostgreSQL.  I am subscribed to the list and
> >received the message.  That's all the invitiation I needed.
> >
> >  
> Yeah really! Except this one, I don't like to see any answer from you to 
> my posts!
Sorry.  Public place, public list.  If you don't want to see my replies,
you are more than welcome to killfile me or simply unsibscribe.

> >Since you don't get it, I'll repeat myself.  If companies like paypal
> >(or any company that relies their data actually being *valid*) makes it
> >the responsibility of the developers to validate data (with no further
> >checks at the DB), that is equivalent to a civil engineer designing a
> >bridge and not bothering to compute the loads and stresses on the
> >materials, since the construction workers will make sure it stays up
> >anyways.  In other fields of engineering, that sort of behavior carries
> >along with it terms like "professional negligence" and "malpractice."
> >In those other engineering fields, people who do that sort of thing lose
> >their licenses and barred from practicing as engineers again.
> >
Hmm.  No witty response to this?

> >
> >Umm, you are contradicting yourself.  Is this the developer's job or the
> >DB's?  Besides, what the hecks is logically valid?  To me, February 31
> >is not "logicall" valid as part of a date.  Yet MySQL happily accepts
> >it.  By your own definition, MySQL doesn't even accomplish that minimal
> >part of the job.
> >
Hmm.  No witty response here either.

> >
> >Yes.  Because it always better to implement the same duplicate
> >functionality in 15 random different libraries of varying (and often
> >dubious) levels of quality and probably little or no optimization
> >(except for the one or two most popular libraries).  Do you have any
> >training or education in software engineering?  I really mean
> >engineering, not CompSci, or a certificate from DeVry or ITT in Visual
> >Basic.  I mean, do you posses an earned engineering degree?  I would
> >guess not, but I just want to be sure.
> >
> >  
> I am sure my level of knowledge is higher than you. Keep your high 
> school diploma. But don't be upset, this forum need uneducated people too.
Not exactly a witty response, but at least ro responded something.  Of
course, you still avoided the question.

> >
> >I'm sorry, but this is so off base it is not even funny.  Every here
> >about SQL injection?  That one single thing is more than ample reason to
> >make sure that the database properly validates all data.  Now, I
> >understand that SQL injection can also cause other problems which the DB
> >cannot identify or prevent.  But still.
> >
> >  
> Yeah, you have to be sorry! I will think about it to forgive you or not! :)
Don't worry.  My foriveness from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Your
forgiveness is neither needed nor desired.

> >
> >OK.  Name one bank or economic organization that uses MySQL for mission
> >critical financial data.  Just one.  I'll wait.
> >
> Well, you know, I am a busy developer. With a part time job and working 
> at the same time on my PhD thesis, I will have no time to answer your 
> nonsenses, more than this. So, I drop all your blah blahs and only say 
> that "Bank of Canada" and "Banque Crédit Agricole" (a well known French 
> bank) use MySQL. BTW, following links might be useful for you:
> http://www.charityvillage.com/cv/research/rdbm3.html
> http://www.dummies.com/WileyCDA/DummiesTitle/productCd-0764507524.html
I too am a busy developer working on a PhD thesis.  Mine is engineering
(computer engineering, sepcifically).  In what field is yours (since you
evaded the question when I asked it in my previous reply) and where are
you studying?

Now, I could not find any info on Bank of Canada.  However, The Credit
Agricloe article I found (in French, which I ran through babefish),
talks about an Apache+PHP+MySQL application used by people to view
information about French financial markets.  I am fairly certain that
the information in that database is replicated some a real database
somehwere else along the line.  So, that doesn't really fit as mission
critical financial information (in the sense that it is just data on
prices of french financial instruments/comodities/whatever).

That other link you provided is so "wow" I don't even know where to
begin.  This is my favorite:

  DO use a 'date added' field for each record. This is almost essential
  for weeding out duplicate entries or same names/different address.

Yup, because primary keys are "so 20th century".  If your database
allows duplicate entries, it is broken.  Simple as that.

> PS: I don't know what mail client do you use, but whatever it is, it 
> sucks! Your emails are posted twice to the forum. If you don't know how 
> to fix it, don't be afraid to ask. There are always people to help newbies.
I use mutt.  It works fine.  You kept CCing me on your replies and so I
thought you were the sort of person who preferred to be CCed as well.
I'll stop.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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