On Sun, Jul 06, 2003 at 08:26:58PM -0400, Antonio Rodr wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 05:27, Vikki Roemer wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > My computer overheated a few weeks ago and I ended up with some fs
> > > corruption.  My mom didn't trust the HD, so she bought me a new
> > > one-- so now I have 2 HDs, a 40 GB (the old one) and a 60 GB (the
> > > new one).  The 60 is hda, and the 40 is hdb.  So anyway, I was
> > Will your Mom buy me a hard drive, too? How about Colin, and Jamin,
> > and Martin, and Paul, and Pigeon, and Shri, and ... ;)
> From the way the Vikki writes, I would say is a very young person,
> probably about 12-14. At that age is perfectly right to have a gift from
> your parent, w/o being afraid of being teased for that reason. 

Well, I'm 17, but I was writing at 05:00, so I think that's a pretty valid
excuse. ;) *shrug*

Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://neuromancer.homelinux.com/
Registered Linux user #280021   http://counter.li.org/

This is an unauthorized cybernetic announcement.

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