Sebastian Kapfer [debian-user] <05/07/03 18:59 +0200>:
> On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 13:50:08 +0200, vdemar wrote:
> > E.g., If I issue the basic command
> > 
> > mpg123 -w weare.wav weare.mp3 
> [...]
> > Illegal instruction
> Did this break with a recent update? It sounds like mpg123 uses an
> instruction that your CPU (which?) doesn't support. Does normal playback
> work?

This break appeared after an update (I don't know if recent).

The CPU is a Pentium III.

I don't know what you mean by "normal playback" but xmms is able to reproduce both mp3 
and wav files if I guess correctly.


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