  I noticed two problems in Xorg:
1. mistake in setxkbmap (or xkb-data ?)
Recently the the following command to set US and CZ keyboard stopped working: setxkbmap -rules xfree86 -model pc104 -layout "us,cz_qwerty" -variant ",bksl" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"
The problem is in the -variant, the -print option gives:

xkb_keymap {
       xkb_keycodes  { include "xfree86+aliases(qwerty)"       };
       xkb_types     { include "complete"      };
       xkb_compat    { include "complete+ledscroll(group_lock)"        };
xkb_symbols { include "pc(pc105)+us+cz(qwerty)(bksl):2+group(alt_shift_toggle)" };
       xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc104)"     };

whereas the corresponding lines in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst from xkb-data package are:

 bksl            cz: With <\|> key
 qwerty          cz: qwerty
 qwerty_bksl     cz: qwerty, extended Backslash

Therefore, the right output of setxkbmap should to be
xkb_symbols { include "pc(pc105)+us+cz(qwerty_bksl):2+group(alt_shift_toggle)" };

I can't judge whether this is a problem of xbase-clients (using version 7.1.ds1-2) or xkb-data (0.9-4). Although there is an workaround (setxkbmap .... | sed ... | xkbcomp - $DISPLAY), it should be fixed....

2. another option to set dual US and CZ keyboard is to introduce it directly in /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
       Option "XkbKeycodes"  "xfree86+aliases(qwerty)"
       Option "XkbTypes"     "complete"
       Option "XkbCompat"    "complete+ledscroll(group_lock)"
Option "XkbSymbols" "pc(pc104)+us+cz(qwerty_bksl):2+group(alt_shift_toggle)"
       Option "XkbGeometry"  "pc(pc104)"
but then I realized that it only works once. It means that if one logins (e.g. in xdm) for the first time, it works well, but after logging out/in the keyboard cannot be switch to CZ anymore. I have to restart Xorg (xserver-xorg version 7.1.0-10) to restore the functionality. Can you tell me where the problem could be ?

Thanks a lot for any hint,

best regards

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