On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 12:48:36PM +0200, WireSpot wrote:
> I don't mean periodically, more like "random but often". Sometimes
> several times a day, sometimes not at all.

I know you've said this before, but is it the same files? or the same
directory? if it is, in that you can narrow down the scope somewhat,
maybe a simple chown root:root, chmod 000 on the appropriate part of
the file system will get you some info: if they still disappear, then
someone's got root...
> The server is on an intranet, in a mainly Windows network, and cannot
> be accessed from the Internet. It holds little interest to anybody
> apart from myself. It simply doesn't hold any useful information, so
> I'd say that, logically, the possibility that a human is doing this is
> remote.

how many other users? just because YOU don't think its very
interesting doesn't mean others don't. sometimes its just interesting
to be able to do it...

I know I'm no help here, just trying to point out that you may be
eliminating possibilities that maybe shouldn't be eliminated.


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