On 1/28/07, Jan Schledermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
L.V.Gandhi wrote: <snip> > # The loopback network interface > auto lo > iface lo inet loopback > > # The primary network interface > allow-hotplug eth0 > # auto eth0 > iface eth0 inet dhcp > pre-up ifconfig eth0 up > pre-up grep -q ndiswrapper /proc/modules || modprobe ndiswrapper > wireless_essid "mohan" > wireless_key "xxxxxxxxxx" > wireless_mode managed > post-up ifmetric wlan0 5 <snip> > How to get connected while booting with wireless? Why I get no eth0 > initially? How to get eth0 intially? The reason why you do not get eth0 AUTOmatically, is that you have commented out the "auto eth0" statement. Remove the "#" in front of the "# auto eth0" and it'll happen. I think allow-hotplug eth0 line should take care. Only either this or auto
eth0 should be there. I tried was you said also. Still the problem remains the same. -- L.V.Gandhi http://lvgandhi.tripod.com/ linux user No.205042