On Thursday 25 January 2007 12:00, Easthope wrote:
> wl> Barring that, as long as the subject stays intact, often other
> people's MUA will do pseudo-threading by subject line if there is no
> other
> threading information in the headers.
> Not clear about this.  Are you saying I should
> try to use a MUA which belongs to a colleague
> and which supports threading?

No, what I mean is that it's obviously *better* to use a MUA that supports 
threading, but even if you use a MUA that doesn't support threading 
properly, as long as you keep the subject line the same, most modern MUAs 
will still associate it to the thread. =)

Anyway, someone else pointed out that you can always set things up so you 
can ssh into some location (e.g. your home computer) and run a 
full-featured text-based MUA like mutt. With a little setup, this might 
actually be faster than using a web MUA anyway.

Good luck!

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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