Just cleaned up the .xsessionerror file, have not looked the content, pity!
Did some experiment.
I started the x-session under root (althought it is  not good to do that)
Found the .x-sessionerror show up again. The content is:

Xsession: X session started for root at Fri Jan 19 07:03:55 EST 2007
libhal.c 767 : org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceDoesNotExist raised
"Service "org.freedesktop.Hal" does not exist"

** (gnome-volume-manager:3696): WARNING **: manager.c/1054: seems that HAL
is not running

(gnome-panel:3698): Gtk-WARNING **: Ignoring the separator setting
/root/.gnome2/gedit-metadata.xml:1: parser error : Document is empty

/root/.gnome2/gedit-metadata.xml:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<'
not found



On 1/19/07, jie gong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks a lot.
It indeed solved my system problem.

On 1/19/07, Lubos Vrbka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jie gong napsal(a):
> > Thanks for the advice.
> > I looked at the files under /root, and found
> > there is a file .xsession-errors has size 4003647488.
> > What is that? Can I delete it?
> the file contains errors from your x session. it seems you use some x
> program that just gone mad and prints a lots of error output. you can
> safely delete the file, but don't forget to shutdown X first. you should
> try to look at the end of the file (with tail -300 .xsession-errors)
> to see the actual message that is printed there. it might help to
> identify the program that caused this situation.
> best regards,
> --
> http://www.lubos.vrbka.net
> --
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