Greg Folkert wrote:
On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 16:21 -0600, John C wrote:
John Hasler wrote:
John writes:
So I find it ironic (and a little absurd) that a disagreement over who's
more free than the other has resulted in Debian moving GNU documentation
into the non-free area in order to protect the freedom of DRM media to
restrict the rights of others.
You aren't making any sense.
I'm not??

Hummmm...It wouldn't be the first time, but let me simplify and try again. :-)

Debian says ... "The only path to truly free software is to follow the DFSG - it's perfect."

FSF say.... "The only path to truly free software is to follow the GFDL - it's perfect."

Many in the Free Software Movement consider Debian and Ubuntu to be not "free" enough because they contain "non-free" software. It's one of the prime reasons for the startup of gNewSense.

Debian considers the FSF GFDL to be not "free" enough so documentation that is GFDL is moved into the section of distribution that the Free Software folks think should not even be there.... Huh!

You don't think that's ironic??  I certainly do.

By the way several users have stated that it's not about DRM. That may very well be true, but I have still not found anything that confirmed that Debian has accepted and/or found that the DRM restrictions did not apply. It could be that I read rapidly right past that info, but my brain began to hurt again so I quit.

Excuse me John C,

Have you read the GFDL? Then compared it DFSG? I think not.

The answers are Yes, Yes and your thinking is faulty.

Until you understand why those GFDL pieces deemed not acceptable are
that way

I've read much of the rational given for deeming some pieces not acceptable. Some I agree with, some I do not agree with, and some I am just not clear about. I figure that puts me on a par with most Debian users and maybe even some developers.

Of course, I'm certainly not on a par with you. You totally understand all the issues.

, please be quiet.

Obviously there are some tender toes out there. Did I step on yours? Else why would this bother you so much?

Until you can see BOTH sides of an argument, you cannot win either side
over, nor make a convincing statement for one side or the other.

You're just not paying attention Greg. I don't remember trying to *win* for either side. If you think I was, ask yourself which side it was and then ask yourself why *you* think that.

I'm just the user in the middle pointing out the irony of the situation and worrying why two organizations that I respect seem to be drifting apart.

Please you are not making a good reputation, just one that complains.

Wow! That worries me a lot.

By the way Greg, since you are up on the subject, can you confirm that the DRM restrictive language in the GFDL is no longer a problem.

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