On Wednesday, 17.01.2007 at 13:09 -0800, Tom Brown wrote:

> On Tuesday 16 January 2007 06:49, Craig Schneider wrote:
> > Hi Guys
> >
> > Is it a good idea to install debian sarge onto soaftware raid 5?
> >
> > Any thoughts welcome.
> Well, I tried on a Dell PowerEdge 4400 with a RAID 5. The install went ok. 
> However, the darn thing wouldn't load grub. I think if it could get past that 
> it would be fine.

Your boot partition can't be RAID-5.

Basically, you need to have your boot partition (either / or /boot) on a
RAID volume in which the individual disks are readable direcly, like
RAID-1; or, just a non-RAIDed partition.

If you have three disks (or more), which you presumably do for RAID-5,
make a small three-disk RAID-1 partition at the start for your boot

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