On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 09:36 -0600, Rodney Richison wrote:
> I have some older hp netservers lpr dual PIII 600 with hotswapable trays
> in them. Plan to load debian. However, they have basic onboard scsi
> controllers that do not do raid.  The drives are scsi 3 10,000 rpm
> I see these on ebay. AHA-2940UW
> You think this will work or should I get something better?

Not a single *2940* PCI card I know of is a RAID card.

Now as a SCSI controller, yes it works very well. As long as *YOU* know
how to use a SCSI Controller with a SCSI drive chain, you should be good
to go.

The technology that is
Stronger, better, faster:  Linux

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  • raid card Rodney Richison
    • Re: raid card Greg Folkert

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