On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 10:54:09AM -0500, Greg Folkert wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 10:18 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > But not the 2.6.18-3 kernel, which, as of yesterday, was still the 
> > default kernel for etch.  See bug 401006.
> OKAY, Hendrik. STOP with the nitpicking. This is a bug that has been
> screwing with Linus hisself for a while, and even in 2.6.20 is NOT


> Please, understand that, *IN GENERAL* the 2.6.18 kernel is a good
> choice.
> I have been using 2.6.18 SINCE it entered Sid, I have had zero issues
> with it. Unless people are using specific setups with also using torrent
> software doing HEAVY downloading... using file hashing and mysnc(), they
> are not likely to hammer this bug. *I* have done heavy downloading and
> have gotten into the exact same green-zone for this bug and haven't
> experienced it.

I hit this bug by doing an installation!  Nothing more than that.  I 
can't use the installed system because the file system is already 
corrupted by the time I finish installing packages, as documented in bug 
reports I have filed.  I haven't been using bittorrent or any heavy 
downloading *except by using the installer and aptitude to install 

-- hendrik

> You are over reacting. NOTHING is PERFECT. If you don't want to be part
> of the solution and help fix the issue, including adding to bug reports
> or writing patches, testing them etc... STOP CONDEMNING the work.

I have filed bug reports. #405506, specifically addresses the problems 
I'm having with this bug.  If I could get my installer set up to
use and install 2.6.18-2, I would. (The RC1 doesn't work for me for 
other reasons, which I haven't investigated because they seem to be 
fixed in later daily builds)

Frankly, this bug scares me.  I've backed out of 2.6.18-3 on my 
file-server, because I'm afraid.  Better the X freeze bug in 2.6.17 than 
risk file system damage.  I can survive without running an X server on 
my server better than I can survive with a corrupt file system.

-- hendrik

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