On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 21:39 +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> I've a colleague on the phone now: he wants to transfer Eudora mail 
> archives from a Windows partition -> Evolution under Debian - Testing.
> This will make his wife and his world Windows free for the most part :)


Why not connect your your Eudora E-Mail Client to a temporary IMAP
server on your Linux machine and drag all the messages up there.

Then with the new Evo E-Mail client drag them all back down.

I just use IMAP and do server-side e-mail storage. I also do server-side
sorting with procmail and mailfilter. Rather than tasking the client
side so badly.

Just an FYI, I have 21K messages in a few folders and Evo has no
problem. Plus I can connect from anywhere in the world and get my mail +
Mail archives. And I have made an attachment with all of my contacts in
it and sent myself an e-mail, plus my PGP Key. Making getting contacts
and PGP key easy for myself.

I am also thinking about making an LDAP storage container for my
contacts... making it even easier.

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