On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 09:09:55PM -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> So, I poked aroudn that site for a while, and then later went back to
> it, but couldn't remember the name. tried iboxpc.com and got a very
> similar but not quite right site. did some more poking around and
> hmmm...
> idotpc.com has what appears to be an invalid site certificate, but is
> a better, more professional looking site. 
> iboxpc.com does not raise any red flags security-wise, but has what
> looks to be a crappy rip-off of the other site..
I ordered from idotpc.com.  However, a quick whois query shows that both
the idotpc.com and iboxpc.com domains are registered by the same
company.  So, I guess it doesn't matter much.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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