On 12/29/06, Kevin Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There are 2 meaning for 'support': Some companies
'support' certain OS's meaning that you can pay money and get technical
support,the other meaning is that the computer can run the OS.

Yeah that's what I thought. Everyone I've spoken to about this has
told me that Etch will work no problem and I think the issue is 'they'
don't want to support Debian due to lack of technical resources.


On Fri, Dec 29, 2006 at 09:17:47PM +0200, Justin Hartman wrote:
> Quick question.
> I'm trying to setup a new server and am looking at hardware
> configurations for the server. I've been told by the sales person that
> Debian can not be installed on an Intel Woodcrest Xeon processor.
> The original quote from them is as follows, "We can not do Debian or
> FreeBSD on these servers however as the latest versions of those OS do
> not support this hardware yet. We can do CentOS, RHES or Fedora."
> Is this correct?
> --
> Regards
Hi Justin Hartman,
AFAICT hardware support is provided by the kernel and its modules.
Unless thoese OS's have proprietary, or super-secret code, it sounds
like nonsense. There are 2 meaning for 'support': Some companies
'support' certain OS's meaning that you can pay money and get technical
support,the other meaning is that the computer can run the OS.
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