On Sun, Dec 24, 2006 at 08:11:35PM +0200, Hans du Plooy wrote:
> That said, very little will be changing in Etch between now and when it
> gets released, so you can upgrade.  Anything that might go wrong now
> will most likely go wrong too when Etch is stable.  But I've upgraded a
> number of boxes, and the few issues I've had were minor and easily
> fixable.
Be careful about saying only "very little" will change.  There will not
be any gratiutous changes (i.e., no new upstream version without a
really good reason).  However, there are still some RC bugs out there
that are being squashed and this could lead to unexpected behaviors, as
many of those which have been identified relate to the Sarge -> Etch

That said, more testing is always welcome.  But then, the OP also
expressed a lack of courage to upgrade while Etch is still testing.
Thus, I would not recommend an upgrade in that case.  The people who
upgrade now really need to be in the mode of wanting to look for and
help correct bugs in the upgrade process.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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