On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 11:48:34AM +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
> An off-topic question: why is this Debian kernel limited to 4GB and
> why do there have to be an option instead of just setting the whole
> thing to 64GB?

There is a slight performance penalty for the 64G support.

> Another off-topic question: Is there any one out there running Linux
> on over 64GB of RAM, and if so, is there such support in the kernel or
> did they have to modify the src themselves?

Yes - using a generic kernel, I'm running Debian on a 128GiB box.  The
limit of 64GiB is a hardware limit for i386, so no kernel options or
hacks will help.  IA64 supports 1TiB+.  

Be aware that when using 32 bit code on i386, no process can get more
than 3GiB user memory.  32 bit code on x86_64 or IA64 kernels will get
close to 4GiB.  You need a 64 bit app to get greater than 4G/process.  

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