Kent West wrote:
You probably still have the ver7 .so in one of the plugins paths for
Firefox. Do a "locate" and rename/move any that you aren't confident is
the v.9 version out of any relevant plugins directories.
I used locate to find all the's. Most are symlinks to
the /usr/lib/Mozilla/plugin directory where the real .so is.
On an aside, I tried a beta of 9; audio would often lock into a
repeating stutter, but someone pointed me to a more recent beta, and
most of the audio problems went away. But there were still enough
irritations that I've gone back to 7, and when I come across a site
that needs 9, more often than not, that site loses my eyeballs.
Occasionally I'll quickly flip over to 9 (I just rename-swap the 7 and
9 versions of the file and restart FF).
I tried FF on a site[0] that worked with the v.7 plugin. The v.9 plugin
was called (obviously as it's the only one on my system now) but there
was no sound.
[0] (all the
scenes open into full page flash objects.)
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