On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 10:39:47AM +0100, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
> Kevin Mark wrote:
> > or removed. The obvious case being m68k -- aka the orginal macs -- not
> > being in Etch. In the upcoming release cycle -- lenny, I'd love to see
> > m68k and other arch. still be here but they have an uphill battle no
> > matter what distro you pick.
> I don't really know, but past experience would indicate that debian (at
> least) is about the last distro to drop support for any old hardware
> [1]. After all, once installed you could still use the old software in
> it's current state in a trusted environment.
> We still use ms-dos computers in our lab (to control certain hardware),
> but of course these computers are not running up-to-date software and
> they are not connected to the internet.
Hi Johannes,
obviously one of the benefits of Free software is that the source code
will always be there, so that it can not be 'removed'. The other issue
is wheter anyone will keep it up-to-date. We can use bo, hamm, etc. to
do work. It will only lack security support, new features etc. but it
nevertheless can be used and even improved if anyone wants. Someone can
even make one package useable with etch or lenny. But the matter of
inclusion as a supported arch in debian is quite involved.
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