On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 11:38:35PM +0200, Justin Hartman wrote:
> Forgive me if I am posting this to the wrong list but I am not sure
> where this kind of a email would be posted to. That said, I am
> interested to find out people's perspective on running Debian stable
> as a web server in a production environment.
Well, this is from about a year ago, but it appears that people really
like Debian as a web server platform:


> I have noticed that Red Hat, Suse, CentOS, Fedora, etc. appear to
> dominate the web server market as the backend powering most production
> servers and I'm wondering why Debian doesn't feature?
Actually, Debian the same market share as Fedora and SUSE combined, and
only slightly less than Red Hat proper.

> I own two dedicated web servers and they run Red Hat and CentOS but
> what makes them different to Debian? I have done a lot of reading and
> research on Debian and my impression of, particularly stable is that
> it is one of the most reliable, stable GNU/Linux systems available out
> there.
Much of it has to do with the amount of software that is available with
official security support from Debian.  Many many web apps are in the
official repository (like sql-ledger, trac, tons of wikis, bugzilla,
etc).  Many or most of those are not available officially from Red Hat
or Novell with any sort of security support (maybe except bugzilla).

> Maybe I'm missing some key issue here (and clearly I must be) but it
> makes logical sense to me to power a production server with the most
> stable system... surely?
Makes sense to me too.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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