This is WAY off topic.

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 05:17:58AM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
> Yesterday, I attempted to use the new federal (USA) web site for
> registering my telephone numbers in the 'do not call' database. I did
> not succeed, and I am wondering what is wrong. Let me describe my
> experience:
> The web site displays a form on which I am requested to fill in the
> telephone numbers that I want added to the list, AND a space where I
> am to enter my email address. I followed the instructions. I entered
> three telephone #s, and one of my four email addresses. In a few
> seconds, three emails arrived in my inbox. Each of them, requested
> that I click on a hotlink to visit a web site that would complete
> the registration process. I did this for each email. 
> In all three cases there was an almost immediate response that the
> data was incorrect, and no indication as to how I might make it 
> correct. I am using Galeon web browser and mutt MUA. Does gov 
> require Windoze software on my computer? Has anyone succeeded in
> registering with a Debian machine? 

Yep. Firebird, qmail, courier-imap, and mutt worked first try.

> I did succeed in registering by using the telephone and calling
> 1-888-382-1222.
> When I did this, the hardware of the telephone system was able to
> verify that I was calling from the telephone instrument that I
> was registering. But I have a question about this process:
> I was required to enter the telephone # manually, and then my
> manual entry was checked against what the hardware said. Why?
> Why not just have the hardware grab the telephone # and put it
> into the database?

Because there's no guarantee that the number you are calling from is the
number you want entered into the database.  Plus, it's possible that you
don't even know the number that is being sent to the outside world from
the handset you're dialing from.

> And what relation does my email address have to my telephone #?  What
> are they checking in my email that has any relation to my telephone?
> (Yes, I use ppp to my ISP, but surely they can't query the ISP server
> to find out which telephone I'm using to call the ISP, and surely it
> should be possible to register if ones internet connection is entirely
> independent of ones telephone service. ???) 

None.  They send you a confirmation request that contains a link that
you must click on.  Sort of like some mailing lists use to confirm

Jamin W. Collins

Remember, root always has a loaded gun.  Don't run around with it unless
you absolutely need it. -- Vineet Kumar

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