On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 11:16:06AM -0500, Tony Heal wrote:
> I am looking for a way to record specific channels on my IRC server. I would
> like to have a searchable, postgresql based database. Anyone have any
> suggestions? I tried using drone but it does not support logging into a
> passworded server, only passworded channels.
> Thanks in advance
Hi Tony,
I was just reading my daily mail from Freshmeat.net:
[027] - IMSpector 0.3 
  by Lawrence Manning (http://freshmeat.net/users/aslak3/)
    Tue, Dec 5th 2006 23:40

    Communications :: Chat

    About: IMSpector is a plugin-based transparent IM proxy with the
    to log to files and databases. It is also able to filter content.
    Supported protocols include MSN, ICQ, AIM, IRC, and Yahoo.

    Changes: This release greatly improves AIM/ICQ support by properly
    the local IDs. A content filter that can remove naughty words was
    added. IMSpector now runs on BSD (using pf). Many other small fixes
    improvements were made.

    License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

    URL: http://freshmeat.net/projects/imspector/

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