On Fri, 2006-12-01 at 13:06 -0500, H.S. wrote:
> I have been trying out evolution for a few months now, mainly as task 
> manager or calendar application (appointments, schedules, etc.). 
> However, it appears that it is not possible to keep two location in sync 
> as far as the Evolution calendar goes (home (Debian Etch) and university 
> (Ubuntu)). I am now thinking of trying out mozilla calendars 
> (firebird?). I guess that it has a calendar export feature, which I 
> haven't been able to find in evolution.
> So, is evolution crippled when it comes to trying to copy one calendar 
> data to another location? Or am I missing something here.
> And, for scheduls and appointments, is there any other application in 
> Linux which I can use and which allows data to be synced (or exported) 
> between two locations?
> (Also, I do not want to have a calendar server running anywhere at all.)

At least in Evolution 2.8, there seems to be an easy way to publish
calendars. See Preferences and Calendar and Tasks. 

Sven Arvidsson
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