Hugo Vanwoerkom([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
> Marty wrote:
> >>I'm finally beginning to have some internet here in the Appennine alps.
> >>No land line so I have acquired a usb gsm modem. (To be truthful, I
> >>still don't know if it will work at the house which also has no mobile
> >>signal, but I have a directional antenna with a 10dB gain that may fix
> >>that...)
> >>
> >>To the point.  Trying it out where there is a gsm signal, I have got ppp
> >>running, but cannot configure the box with the modem so that both the
> >>LAN and the PPP work at the same time.
> >
> >Have you consulted any of the Debian networking Howtos?  If not, that 
> >should
> >probably be your next step.  All the Howtos can be installed as a deb 
> >package,
> And what is that package?
aptitude | apt-cache | wajig search howto

doc-linux-text - Linux HOWTOs and FAQs in ASCII format
note: other formats available


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