On Fri, Nov 24, 2006 at 07:18:05PM +0100, Maarten Verwijs wrote:
> Hello!
> I'd like to announce a new project in order to gain world domination for
> Debian. It's my little pet project and I call it "The Tipii Project" [1].
> The short term goal of the Tipii Project is to train people in the use
> of Debian GNU/Linux.
> The long term goal is to create a set of trainings that will eventually
> lead to Debian Certification, ala Red Hat Certified.
> Since no company is giving Debian trainings that _I_ know of, I figure I
> might just as well do it myself. And have fun doing it!
> Under the name of "The Tipii Project", me and a couple of friends have
> just started to develop a set of Debian trainings. This is the earliest
> of beginnings, but it is a beginning.
> Kind regards and thanks for your input, 
Hi Maarten,
some wikis allow only registered users to make changes, this may help
limit damage from random people. You can certainly use the debian wiki
to create info for folks to use and update unless you want to keep it
seperate. Debian also has debian.net urls for unoffical but related
project web site. ask a debian developers if you want this. You can
setup a debian subproject if you want like debian-edu or skoelinux.
Debian also can setup a mailing list on their servers. There is also
wikibooks and mit open books projects as examples.
|  .''`.  == Debian GNU/Linux == |       my web site:       |
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|   `-    http://www.debian.org/ |    be counted! #238656   |
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