Dave Bellows wrote:
> Update.  Of course I can't run 1600x1000 instead the monitor went to
> the next resolution on the list which was 1600x1200.  I was then able
> to shrink the horizontal size and reposition the screen to make it
> fit.  There are now thin black bars along either side of the screen
> but there doesn't seem to be as much distortion.  Still, I would like
> to get this working better.
> On 11/16/06, Dave Bellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I just got a new ViewSonic VG2230 widescreen LCD monitor for my Debian
>> Testing box.  After I installed it I ran "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh
>> xserver-xorg".  It seemingly correctly configured xorg.conf for a
>> resolution of 1680x1050 as recommended by the booklet that came with
>> the monitor.  However, when I started up X the vertical is off.
>> There's about 2 inches of extra screen space at the top so that when I
>> move the mouse cursor up to the top of the screen the whole screen
>> shifts and I lose my bottom taskbar (KDE).
>> So I manually edited the conf file and changed it to 1600x1000
>> (keeping the same ratio).  This appears to have worked (no more extra
>> space).  Because the monitor is such a big change from what I'm used
>> to I can't tell entirely if the shapes of the letters are distorted at
>> all (at 1680 x 1000 it was obvious) but they appear fine.  Is it fine
>> to leave it at this?  Should it be able to do 1680x1050?  Is there
>> some extra configuration I'm missing?
>> Also, the screen is huge.  I'd never really notice what letters looked
>> like before.  There's a certain fuzziness around each of the letters
>> on the screen that I think is related to anti-aliasing perhaps.  It's
>> fairly noticeable though I imagine I could get used to it.  Again, is
>> there a setting somewhere that would improve the look?
>> Thanks,
>> David Bellows

Make sure you have the vsync and hsync values correct for your monitor
(see the monitor manual) otherwise you will get this.

Subpixel rendering should not affect this, but it can improve clarity as
the xserver knows more about the screen so can change the way pixels are
lit up to look better.


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