On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 01:09:25AM +0000, Tyler wrote:
> Hi,
> I have noticed that my laptop is starting to slow down quite noticeably, 
> although irregularly so. Basic tasks like opening xterm in fluxbox 
> sometimes take a few seconds or more, and there's even a noticeable 
> delay with command line stuff like ls. Not always, usually after I've 
> been running for awhile (hours). I also notice that sometimes my 
> harddrive seems to 'rev' (spin for a second, pause, spin for a second, 
> pause, repeated continuously over a minute or more), even when I'm not 
> doing anything (just reading documents in xpdf or a browser window.
> Maybe this is just normal for a laptop, but I don't know. Is there some 
> way to check to see if I'm having any non-trivial hardware issues?
> I'm running etch, fluxbox, 2.6.17-2, Thinkpad R60.

That the slow down happens after a while suggests that its a temperature
thing.  Do you have sensors activated?  Does the fan work?  Does the
case get hot and if so where?  The processor may be being slowed down by
the bios/firmware to cool it.

The drive reving I would guess is swapping happening re the browser
needing to page memory in or out.  Does it happen if you're not using X
but only console?  Its spin and pause is to save your battery.  If
you're on AC there is probably a way to have it not spin-down (uses more
juice but easier on the drive motor).  


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