Hi I have two machines say A, B. Previously I was able to access machine A from machine B using nxclient. But recently it stopped working and I have been trying to find out the reason behind this. So far there is no luck!
Here are the configuration details. Both machine A, B run Debian Etch (testing). But are not updated regularly. So they might contain some old packages... on machine B, I have $ /usr/NX/bin/nxclient --version NXCLIENT - Version 1.5.0-141 Copyright (C) 2001, 2005 NoMachine. See http://www.nomachine.com/ for more information. on machine A, I run $nxserver --version NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-45-SVN OS (GPL) Usage: nxserver <option> --passwd: Change password $sudo nxserver --status NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-45-SVN OS (GPL) NX> 110 NX Server is running NX> 999 Bye the nxserver comes from freenx package is installed from deb http://debian.tu-bs.de/project/kanotix/unstable/ sid nx From machine B, when I try to connect to machine A, the errors are NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 3602 NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files NX> 200 Connected to address: xxx.xxx.xx.xxx on port: 22 NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey HELLO NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-45-SVN OS (GPL) NX> 105 hello NXCLIENT - Version 1.5.0 NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 1.5.0 NX> 105 SET SHELL_MODE SHELL NX> 105 SET AUTH_MODE PASSWORD NX> 105 login NX> 101 User: xxxxxxxxx NX> 102 Password: NX> 103 Welcome to: kusumanchi user: xxxxxxxxx NX> 105 listsession --user="xxxxxxxxx" --status="suspended,running" --geometry="1024x768x24+render" --type="unix-kde" NX> 127 Sessions list of user 'xxxxxxxxx' for reconnect: Display Type Session ID Options Depth Screen Status Session Name ------- ---------------- -------------------------------- -------- ----- -------------- ----------- ------------------------------ NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: xxxxxxxxx NX> 105 startsession --session="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" --type="unix-kde" --cache="8M" --images="32M" --cookie="******" --link="adsl" --kbtype="pc102/us" --nodelay="1" --encryption="1" --backingstore="when_requested" --geometry="800x600+112+71" --media="0" --agent_server="" --agent_user="" agent_password="******"" --screeninfo="800x600x24+render" NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 1.4.0-45-SVN OS (GPL) NX> 700 Session id: kusumanchi- [00m1000- [00m22A473AEC6124299241ED0098BCEEB57 NX> 705 Session display: [00m1000 NX> 703 Session type: [00munix-kde NX> 701 Proxy cookie: 57900206c37f2786d37447718e8f5048 NX> 702 Proxy IP: [00m24.58.14.21 NX> 706 Agent cookie: [00m3f1cb2bb39ae5b6ea02a75b8e253265e NX> 704 Session cache: [00munix-kde NX> 707 SSL tunneling: [00m1 /usr/lib/nx/nxserver: line 891: 12689 Terminated ( sleep $AGENT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT; exit 1 ) NX> 105 NX> 504 Session startup failed. NX> 1004 Error: nxagent failed to start with: Unrecognized option: -geometry NX> 1001 Bye. Killed by signal 15. Any ideas as to what could be wrong and how to get nxclient working? thanks raju -- Kamaraju S Kusumanchi http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/kk288/ http://malayamaarutham.blogspot.com/